As we all know, blue is the only colour that does not occur naturally in cereal-based foodstuffs. With this and ever-increasing hygiene requirements in mind, millwrights and grinding mills alike are becoming more and more interested in the idea of blue sieve cleaners. This is why we have now made our bestsellers available in blue plastic, which – of course – complies with FDA and EU requirements for food grade products. Similarly, we are now also using blue nylon in our sieve cleaning brushes to ensure maximum visual detectability.
Sieve cleaning brush with blue Nylon
for synthetic mesh with a mesh opening of 90 – 250 μmArticle no: 1153
Sieve cleaner with studs
for wire and synthetic mesh with a mesh opening of more than 250 μmArticle no: 1250
for flour sieves with a standard sieve field (e. g. 23 x 17 mm)
for a standard sieve field (e. g. 23 x 17 mm)
for plansifter sieves with backwire